Author Archives: J.D. Cannon

Word of the Week – August 8

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the week into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is abdominous. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. abdominous (adj) having a big belly Read My eBook Backstory … Continue reading

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Currently Reading …

I’m currently reading Mercy by David Baldacci. It’s the fourth book in a series that features FBI agent Atlee Pine. Atlee’s twin sister was abducted at the age of 6, and Atlee has been searching for her ever since…without success. … Continue reading

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Currently Reading…

Being a writer, I’m also an avid reader. I try not to go more than a few weeks without reading a book, be it fiction or non-fiction. Lately I’ve been reading some of my favorite novelists…Harlan Coben, David Balducci, and … Continue reading

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Word of the Week – May 9

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the week into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is renascent. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day…and don’t forget to come … Continue reading

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Word of the Week – April 26

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the week into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is affinal. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day…and don’t forget to come … Continue reading

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