Synonym Friday – October 30

Welcome to Synonym Friday. Today’s word is vaunt. How many synonyms for it can you think of? If you like, leave a comment showing your answers. I’ve listed a few possibilities below. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back for Monday’s Word of the Week and Wednesday’s Rhyme.

Some synonyms for vaunt: brag, boast, tout


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Wednesday’s Rhyme – October 28

Welcome to Wednesday’s Rhyme. Today’s word is lesser. How many words can you think of that rhyme with it? Leave a comment showing your answers. I’ve listed a few possibilities below. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back for Synonym Friday and Monday’s Word of the Week.

Some words that rhyme with lesser: guessor, dresser, presser

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Word of the Week – October 26

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the week into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is cantillate. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back for Wednesday’s Rhyme and Synonym Friday.

cantillate (v) to chant

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Synonym Friday – October 23

Welcome to Synonym Friday. Today’s word is scrunch. How many synonyms for it can you think of? If you like, leave a comment showing your answers. I’ve listed a few possibilities below. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back for Monday’s Word of the Week and Wednesday’s Rhyme.

Some synonyms for scrunch: crinkle, wrinkle, crump


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Wednesday’s Rhyme – October 21

Welcome to Wednesday’s Rhyme. Today’s word is hearten. How many words can you think of that rhyme with it? Leave a comment showing your answers. I’ve listed a few possibilities below. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back for Synonym Friday and Monday’s Word of the Week.

Some words that rhyme with hearten: carton, tartan, spartan

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