Word Of The Day – October 10

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the day into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is porphyrophobia. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for yet another word. J.D.

porphyrophobia (n) fear of the color purple

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Word Of The Day – October 9

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the day into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is senescence. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for yet another word. J.D.

senescense (adj) growing old or aging

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Word Of The Day – October 7

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the day into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is schadenfreude. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for yet another word. J.D.

schadenfreude (n) satisfaction or pleasure felt from someone else’s misfortune

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Word Of The Day – October 6

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the day into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is animadversion. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for yet another word. J.D.

animadversion (n) a harsh, critical remark

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Word Of The Day – October 3

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the day into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is ecdysiast. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for yet another word. J.D.

ecdysiast (n) a striptease artist

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