Word for the Weekend – April 22

Increase your word power by incorporating my word for the weekend into your own vocabulary. Try using it this weekend. Today’s word for the weekend is sophrosyne. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back for Monday’s Word of the Week.

sophrosyne (n) moderation, discretion, prudence

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Word of the Week – April 18

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the week into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is hortatory. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day…and don’t forget to come back for Friday’s Word for the Weekend.

hortatory (adj) giving strong encouragement

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Word of the Week – April 4

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the week into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is bibliotaph. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day…and don’t forget to come back for Friday’s Word for the Weekend.

bibliotaph (n) a person who hoards books

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Word for the Weekend – April 1

Increase your word power by incorporating my word for the weekend into your own vocabulary. Try using it this weekend.

Today’s word for the weekend is hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day..and don’t forget to come back for Monday’s Word of the Week.

hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian (adj) pertaining to extremely long words

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Word of the Week – March 28

Increase your word power by incorporating my word of the week into your own vocabulary. Today’s word is onchophagia. Leave a comment showing how you would use the word in a sentence. Have a great day…and don’t forget to come back for Friday’s Word for the Weekend.

onchophagia (n) the habit of biting one’s nails

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